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Hydrogeology is a unique field which aims to understand the character, occurrence, dynamics, and movement of groundwater. Our team of professionals include hydrogeologists with diverse experience in the following:

• Groundwater evaluation
• Pumping tests
• Water budget analyses
• Fate and transport of contaminants
• Geochemical characterization
• Soil and groundwater remediation
• Groundwater modeling
• Groundwater monitoring, and
• Site characterization

A discussion of some of the hydrogeology fields SATT has engaged in is presented below. Besides, SATT engages in specialized studies for the purpose of research and development and collaborate with various institutions.

SATT has performed numerous hydrogeological studies for different clients across Canada, and internationally.

Contaminant Transport Modeling

A thorough understanding of the fate of contaminants in the environmental media is crucial for successful remediation. Understanding the fate of these contaminants often involve numerical modeling aimed at determining the controlling transport processes, extent of contamination, and evaluation of the effectiveness of remedial system. It should be noted that the whole essence of contaminant modeling is to be able to predict future response of the imposed stress.

The modeling process often involve calibration, corroboration, and verification. Our team of professionals have expertise in the use of various commercial software to model contaminant transport processes.

Geochemical Characterization

Evaluation of geochemical data of groundwater and native formation of a site is very important in determining the ongoing geochemical processes. Geochemical characterization goes beyond comparison of the chemical data of the media to the relevant regulatory limits. The characterization helps in understanding the present geochemical state of the media and evaluation of geochemical processes that control the present and future geochemical behavior.

Our expertise covers geochemical characterization of contaminated sites, brownfield, and mine sites. The knowledge gained from geochemical characterization guides the decision makers on appropriate actions required of the sites. These actions include determination of the need for reclamation or not, selection of the appropriate remedial system, and classification of the site.

Remediation System

Remediation is the cleaning up of contaminants established during site assessment from environmental media. It involves removal, stabilization, and containment of contaminants. Site characterization and thorough understanding of the fate of the contaminants are crucial for a successful remediation. Each contaminated site is unique to itself, and the objective of most remediation exercise is to bring the contaminant concentrations below the relevant regulatory limits for the exposure pathways. In some instances, contaminants are better contained within the environmental media to limit exposure depending on a site-specific remediation goal.

Remediation system involving physical reconstruction of the soil and terrain is called reclamation. The objective of which is to return the site into a thriving biome system. Our team of professionals are experienced in the design of innovative remedial systems, development of reclamation plans, and groundwater containment systems.

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