SPT is an in situ dynamic penetration test designed to provide information on geotechnical engineering
properties of soil. The number of blows required to penetrate the last 12" is the “N value”,
which is related to soil strength. The quality of the test result depends on various factors, such as
actual energy delivered to the head of drill rod, dynamic properties of drill rod, the method of drilling
and borehole stabilization. The actual energy is one of the factor which affects the reliability of
SPT. Therefore as per codes, it is utmost important to check the performance of hammer periodically.
The Pile Driving Analyzer® (PDA) measures the
energy transferred by the SPT hammer to the
SPT rod which is instrumented with strain transducers
and accelerometers gauges.
We perform this service in accordance with following
ASTM D4633-10 : Standard Test Method for Energy Measurement
for Dynamic Penetrometers
ASTM D1586-08 : Standard Test Method for Penetration Test and
Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils,
ASTM D6066-96(2004) : Standard Practice for Determining
the Normalized
Penetration Resistance of
Sands for Evaluation of
Liquefaction Potential.